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Antonio Fogazzaro's Itinerary

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately and suck out all the meadow of life… and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived” H. D. Thoreau

A Path along art and literature, retracing the literary steps of Antonio Fogazzaro, family-friendly walks along the path of History … In which nineteenth-century villa will we meet?

Villa Montanina

The protagonists of Fogazzaro’s novel “Leila” leave the park of Villa Montanina and head towards Lago di Velo towered over by Priaforà.

A permanent photography exhibition entitled Antonio Fogazzaro

A permanent photography exhibition entitled “Antonio Fogazzaro e il suo piccolo grande mondo”: an invaluable collection by Giovanni Matteo Filosofo.

Villino delle Rose

Fogazzaro, his stays in Arsiero, his novel “Leila”, and the creation of the “White Lady of the Roses” who dwelt at “Villino delle Rose”.

La Pria

La Pria, a slice of paradise along the River Astico, where cold, crystal-clear water flows among inlets, gorges and rocks.

Alessandro Rossi’s Park and Villa

Built in the 16th century by the Bonifacio family, then purchased in 1865 by the great Schio industrialist Alessandro Rossi (1819-1898) to make it the family home.

Church Villa Montanina

Villa Montanina and the chapel of Sancta Maria ad Montes: Fogazzaro and the setting for his final novel “Leila”.

Villa Valmarana

Antonio Fogazzaro and Villa Valmarana, the historic residence of his mother-in-law Giuseppina Lampertico, where the passionate affair between his characters Elena and Daniele began.
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